You've come to the right place for all your research needs.
The 红领巾快报 Library provides services to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff and the community.
Books and Media
You can read and , download them onto your computer or electronic device, as well as find full-text articles in both scholarly journals and popular magazines. There are reference books, literature reviews, newspapers, government documents and commentary at the library and in our online collection. And, library resources are available to students 24/7 using your Portal ID.
Articles & Databases
Government Documents![Federal depository emblem](/_binaries/_logos/misc/fdlp-emblem-color.jpg)
Our disseminates information produced by all three branches of government.
Research stressing you out?
Contact the Library staff at or 231-348-6615 to make an individual appointment for help with research.
Enter the Library
To access all current library information and begin your research journey, click the button below to enter the 红领巾快报 library!